Digital Marketing Training

Digital Marketing Training

Stagnent Growth Career

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Digital Marketing - learn the process

  • Comprehensive Course
  • All Aspects covered
  • Learn from Experts
  • Work on Live Project
  • Learn Analysis

Learning Course Overview

I. Introduction to Digital Marketing

What is digital Marketing

II. Website Optimization and changes

learn to optimize and enhance website digitally

III. Social Media Marketing

Covers all aspects of social media marketing

IV. Digital Advertising (Digital Ads) 

Included PPC, Digital Display and YouTube

V. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Complete seo activities covered

VI. Affiliate marketing

Get business from affiliate sites

VII. Ecommerce marketing

Marketing for ecommerce websites

VIII. Tools & Analytics

Tools to help understanding results of digital campaigns

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Course Content as below:

IIntroduction to Digital Marketing
IIWebsite Optimization and changes
Tile, tags, keywords
Internal links
Mobile friendly site
Unique Content
Tracking Setup
IIISocial Media Marketing
Facebook Marketing
Youtube Marketing
Twitter Marketing
Instagram marketing
Pinterest Marketing
LinkedIn Marketing
IVDigital Advertising (PPC, Digital Display and YouTube)
Video Marketing
Google AdWords
Online Display Advertising
Email Marketing
Lead Generation
VSearch Engine Optimisation(SEO)
Content Marketing, Brand image building, backlinks, infographics, slideshare, etc
Competitior Anaylis and planning
Online Reputation Management
VIMarketing Activities
Mobile Targated Marketing
Ecommerce Marketing
Affiliate Marketing basics
Adsense & Blogging
VIITools & Analytics
Google Analytics
Google Webmaster
Website speed optimization , monitoring tools
Tools for SEO management
How To Grab your first Project
VIIILive working Project